Honorary Consulate Office in Osaka/Kansai area is rapidly increasing during recent 3 years

Honorary Consulate Office in Osaka/Kansai area is rapidly increasing during recent 3 years!


According to the information from MOFA Osaka office, the number of foreign consulate office of Osaka/Kansai area is reaching to 77 office in total as of today.  Among of them, 59 are honorary consulate office, and especially 22 countries are newly establishing honorary office for last 3 years since 2019. This number occupies 28.5% of total.



For example, Mr. Junzo Tateno was appointed as an honorary consul of Republic of Colombia. He was approved on October 5, 2020 and setting up consulate office within his Union Building. As you know, Mr. Tateno is serving as a President of Osaka Business Development Agency and also Vice Chairman of Osaka Chamber of Commerce and Industry.



Thus, toward for 2025 Osaka/Kansai World Expo, Osaka area might be recognized for future Asian hub where overseas visitors, business people and foreign official bodies are gathering more than ever.






外務省大阪事務所からの情報によると、大阪・関西エリアの海外領事館は本日現在77事務所に達しています。 そのうち59カ国が名誉領事館であり、特に22カ国が2019年から3年間で新たに名誉領事館を設立しており、この数は全体の28.5%を占めています。





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